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  • Writer's pictureGayle Thorn

Wednesday at the Well: Romans 1:8-17 - Growing Faith

Bible Verses to Explore: Romans 1:8-17

Faith in God means trusting God to meet all of your needs.

In today's Bible reading Paul says, “I want us to help each other with the faith that we have.

Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.” I want to use my faith to help your faith grow. How? Try this:

Each day read one of the following verses then use it in your prayer life.

On Sunday read John 16:24 then tell God about a problem before you try to fix it yourself.

On Monday read Corinthians 2:5 then go to God and ask for wisdom. On Tuesday read I Thessalonians 5:17 then talk to Him often and about everything.

On Wednesday read Hebrews 4:16 then go to God boldly talk to Him about something that you've never prayed for before.

On Thursday read James 4:3 then talk to God about your needs and the needs of others while wanting only the answers that God thinks are best.

On Friday read Proverbs 8:33 then listen for God’s answers and instructions. Don't ask for anything new.

On Saturday read John 16:24 then trust God to answer your prayers. Simply relax in His presence.

I challenge you -- spend more time talking to and listening to God every day. When you do, your faith will grow!

Let’s end today with the words of Romans 1:17 – “The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself. God's way of making people right begins and ends with faith. As the Scriptures say, ‘The one who is right with God by faith will live forever.’”

Will you pray with me? Heavenly Father, we’re here to speak with You and to listen to Your wisdom. Help our faith grow. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thanks for reading today’s devotional. I hope you are craving some more time in God’s word to seek His wisdom and grow in your faith. To help you do that, please take advantage of the Inductive Bible Study Guide. You can use it to help you get more out of God’s word and grow in wisdom and faith. Just click the link and download the guide. It’s free…no strings attached…just the promise that taking more time in God’s word will be worth it. He will reward you.

God bless!

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