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  • Writer's pictureGayle Thorn

Wednesday at the Well: Psalm 37:1-2 - True Success

Bible Verses to Explore: Psalm 37:1-2

How do you feel when someone who cheats or lies gets ahead anyway?

Angry? Envious? Do you wish that you could do what they do and get away with it?

Don’t do that to yourself. Remember what Psalm 37:1 says, “Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.”

God has other plans for those who trust and obey Him, including you. God wants His children to concentrate on doing what we know to be right and keep our eyes focused on Him, not on other people.

Those people who seem to get ahead by evil means won’t succeed for long. Compared with eternity, their success on this earth will be short-lived.

The real success – the success that will last forever – will belong to those people who accept Christ as Savior then obey God by doing everything they can to love God and other people. That is the kind of success that Solomon wrote about in Proverbs 10:16 – “The wages of the righteous bring them life, but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.”

What kind of success do you really want?

Let’s pray together.

Heavenly Father, we leave those people who “succeed” by doing wrong things for You to deal with. We will concentrate on our eternal success by keeping our eyes on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

It was good to be with you today. If you haven’t done so, pick up your free copy of the Inductive Bible Study Guide before you go. I also invite you to stick around and check out some of the many devotional articles here at PH121: Today, Tomorrow, & Forever! You can use the IBS Guide to explore the Bible verses you find in those articles.

Until next time…God bless and have a beautiful week!

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