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  • Writer's pictureGayle Thorn

Wednesday at the well: Psalm 102:1-13 - Bad Days

Bible Verses to Explore: Psalm 102:1-13

Did you know that King David had bad days. It’s true! David had days when he felt sad, lonely, afraid, worried, and discouraged just like we do!

God knows we have bad days. What does God want us to do when we have a bad day? Does God want us to turn away from Him? No. Does God want us to blame Him for our bad day? No! God wants us to turn to Him. He wants us to praise His greatness. He wants us to ask Him to give us joy, companionship, strength, answers, and encouragement.

In today’s Bible reading, David talks about the bad things that are happening in his life. David doesn’t let bad things separate him from God. David doesn’t turn away from God. David turns to God. In verses 12 and

13 David praises God and speaks of God’s greatness:

“But you, Lord, will rule as king forever! Your name will continue forever and ever! You will rise up and comfort Zion. The time has come for you to be kind to Zion.”

I hope you will turn to God the next time you are having a bad day. God loves you. He wants to help you through your bad days.

Let’s pray David’s prayer in Psalm 102 verses 1 and 2 together:

“Listen to my cry for help. Don’t turn away from me when I have troubles. Listen to me, and answer me quickly when I cry for help.” Heavenly Father, thank You for being with us on good days and on bad days. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I encourage you to seek more solace in God’s presence by downloading the Inductive Study Guide and immersing yourself in today’s scripture.

Enjoy and God Bless!

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