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  • Writer's pictureGayle Thorn

Stay Alert!

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 31:1-19

In Jeremiah 31, the prophet Jeremiah recorded a message from God. In this message, God talked about how the people of Israel had strayed. He spoke of how the

tribe of Ephraim would cry out in repentance from their sin saying in verse 19, “After I strayed, I repented; after I came to understand, I beat my breast. I was ashamed and humiliated because I bore the disgrace of my youth.”

We are like Ephraim. We all stray off the path that God has laid out for us.

Happily, God will eagerly welcome us back and gladly forgive us.

Of course, it’s best if we can avoid straying in the first place. The following is a list of the things that most often cause us to stray. Stay alert and stay away from them!

1. Testing God to see how far we can push Him.

2. Quarreling with other people and with God.

3. Forgetting to follow God’s instructions.

4. Arrogant pride, an “I don’t need God” type of self-reliance.

5. Giving in to our self-serving cravings and desires.

6. Forgetting that Jesus saved us and freed us from sin so we don’t have to do things the old way.

I hope you will follow God closely and avoid falling into these traps.

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” 1 Corinthians 10:12

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I’m sorry that I got off of the path that You put me on. Show me the way again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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