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  • By Gayle J. Thorn

Focus on Jesus this Christmas - Christmas Aftershocks Part 11

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Bible Reading: Titus 2:13

We often think of the Christmas story starting with and ending with Jesus’ birth. However, Jesus’ birth wasn’t the beginning of the story. The Christmas story actually

began at creation.

God created us to be with Him. Then sin came into the world and we were separated from God. Later, God sent Jesus, born as a baby, to make a way for our sins to be forgiven so we could, once again, be with God. That still isn’t the end of the story.

The story continues, as each one of us accepts Jesus as our Lord and Savior and continues until Jesus returns on a greatly anticipated day in the future. Waiting for Jesus’ to return and take us to heaven presents us with a Christmas aftershock that echoes through each of our lives and can be hard or uncomfortable for us. What is this aftershock? The need to be patient.

When we read a good book or movie, we are eager to get to the end to see how it all turns out. Waiting for Jesus Christ to return and “finish” the Christmas story is even harder to patiently wait for. We want all to be well now. We want peace on earth, now. We want an end to sickness, suffering, pain, and heartbreak, now. We want life on earth to be life in heaven, now.

Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. Titus 2:13 give us this reminder: “…we wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” God has a plan…a perfect plan. God’s is acting out His plan with perfect timing, working toward time when Jesus will come to earth again to claim us and take us to heaven. We need to trust God and wait patiently, even when waiting is hard, and allow God’s plan to unfold when God is ready for it to unfold.

Meanwhile, let’s all live obediently to God, passionately praying for Jesus to come and finish the Christmas story.

“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man [Jesus] will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Matthew 24:44

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am eager for Jesus to return. Please, send Him soon. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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