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Focus on Jesus this Christmas - Christmas Aftershocks Part 5

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Bible Reading: Acts 17:11

As we know, Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born to die for our sins. Once we admit our sin to God and accept Jesus’ death as the punishment for our sin

and His resurrection as our hope of a new and eternal life, certain things happen. We are calling these things Christmas “Aftershocks,” because they are powerful changes in our lives that happen after we accept the Jesus who was born on Christmas.

The aftershock we are talking about today is discussed in Acts 17:11. This verse says, “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”

Before we give our lives to Jesus, many of us never opened a Bible or at least did so rarely. However, once we start living for God, that habit should change.

The Berean people understood this. They understood that they needed to hear more mature believers teach from the Bible. They also understood that human teachers weren’t perfect. Some accidentally misspoke. Others made careless errors. Sadly, some were even deliberately deceitful. Therefore, the Bereans were careful to read God’s word for themselves. They knew that they needed to learn what it said so they could be sure that their human teachers were teaching God’s word accurately and correctly.

Like the Bereans, we need to attend church and Bible study to hear God’s word taught. We also need to read and study God’s word for ourselves.

If you are doing this, I encourage you to keep going! Never stop reading the Bible. There is always more to learn.

If you haven’t yet established a daily Bible reading habit, I urge you to do so. Reading and studying the Bible is the best way to grow in your faith since you will be being taught by the Holy Spirit, Himself.

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” 1 Peter 2:2

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I love Your word! Help me to make and keep a habit of daily Bible reading and study. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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