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Focus on Jesus this Christmas - Christmas Aftershocks Part 3

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Bible Reading: Hebrews 3:1

Think about a time when you saw something that you really wanted to own. Remember what happened? You looked at that item. You thought about it…and thought

about it…and thought about it. It seemed to be all that was on your mind. Oh, you might have gotten busy with things that needed doing and that distracted you for a moment, but soon, your thoughts returned to that longed-for item.

That is one of the interesting “aftershocks” of Christmas. Jesus fills our minds. However, unlike that desired item, we seem to find it easier to push thoughts of Jesus aside. We somehow manage to find ways to distract ourselves and push Jesus from our minds. The problems and activities of our daily lives seem more important than Jesus.

Once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that should change. It should become harder – impossible – to keep from thinking about Jesus – What was Jesus like? How does Jesus want me to live? What would Jesus do in this situation?

In Colossians 3:2, Paul gives us these instructions: “Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.” We are urged to fix our thoughts on Jesus, to keep Jesus in our minds at all times. In fact, as followers of Jesus, our love for Him should cause us to want to think about Jesus.

What thoughts occupy your mind? Is your mind filled with Jesus and how to live as He lived? If not, what do you need to do to realign your life and fill your mind with Jesus and His ways?

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to keep Jesus and His plan for my life foremost in my mind. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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