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Wednesday at the Well: Psalm 81:8-16 - Help for When You Feel Helpless

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Bible Verses to Explore: Psalm 81:8-16

A newborn baby robin is helpless. It can’t find its own food. It must trust its mother to feed it. If the baby robin refuses to trust its mother, the baby will die.

In today’s Bible reading Asaph wrote in verse 10, “I, the Lord, am your God. I brought you out of Egypt. Israel, open your mouth, and I will feed you.” What did Asaph mean? Asaph meant that if the people of Israel would trust and obey God, God would always feed and take care of them.

Then, in verse 11 Asaph said, “But my people did not listen to me. Israel did not obey me.” The people of Israel stopped trusting God. They stopped obeying His commands. They refused to

accept God’s promise to always feed and take care of them.

A baby robin is helpless. It needs its mother to take care of it. We are helpless, too. We need God to take care of us.

Do you trust God to take care of you? I hope you always trust and obey Him. When you do, God promises to always feed and take care of just as He promised to always feed and take care of the Israelites – and God always keeps His promises! In fact,“God can give you more blessings than you need, and you will always have plenty of everything. You will have enough to give to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, Thank you for taking care of us. We trust you to always do what is best for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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