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  • By Gayle J. Thorn

Wednesday at the Well: Psalm 37:1-5 - Think Like God

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Bible Verses to Explore: Psalm 37:1-5

In Psalm 37:4b God promises to “give you whatever you ask for.”

If that’s true, shouldn’t every person who asks God for money be rich? Shouldn’t

every person who asks God to make them popular be popular?


If we want God to keep that promise we need to do what the first part of the verse tells us to do: “Enjoy serving the Lord” (Psalm 37:4a). When we actively enjoy serving God, we become closer to God. We begin to think like God. We want things that make God happy. We want things that help us become closer to God. We want things that help other people become closer to God. We want the same things that God wants. So, we ask God for those kinds of things. God will give us what we ask because we ask for things that will bring us closer to Him. We ask for things that will allow God to use us to help

other people learn about Jesus.

I hope you enjoy serving the Lord. I hope you want the same things for your life that God wants for you. Why? God always wants the best for you!

I encourage you to remember the words of Psalm 37:4 and “Enjoy serving the Lord, and he will give you whatever you ask for.”

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, make us want the same things for our lives that you want for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I hope you will take a few minutes, click on the logo, download the Inductive Study Guide, and see for yourself what God has to say in Psalm 37:1-5.

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