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Birth Stories - A Unique Look at the Birth of Christ - Part 1: Introduction

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

(We are taking a break from our Wednesday at the Well Bible studies because I know time is often limited during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Wednesday at the Well will resume after Christmas. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a Wonderful New Year! - Gayle)

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:1-19

We all have a story about how we were born. Some of our stories are touching. Some make us laugh. Others make us cry.

None of us had a beginning quite like Jesus. We are going to talk about some of the many parts of Jesus’ birth story for the next few days.

Verse 18 of Matthew 1 tells us, “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah happened. His mother Mary was engaged to marry Joseph. But before they married, he learned that she was expecting a baby. (She was pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit.)” Jesus’ mother was a virgin. His father was God, Himself. Jesus’ mother came to be pregnant through the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also had an earthly father, Joseph, who was a God-fearing man.

I’m thankful for Jesus and His birth story. I’m even more thankful for the ending to Jesus’ human life. It gave me the opportunity to have a new life here and an eternal life in heaven.

Take advantage of the Christmas season to celebrate Jesus’ birth and to thank Him for living as a human then dying as the sacrifice for your sins so you could have the opportunity to have new life now and eternal life in heaven.

“The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son. They will name him Immanuel.” (Immanuel means “God with us.”) Matthew 1:23

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and His amazing birth story. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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