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Simply Serve

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:13

Galatians 5:13 says, “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Would you like to

serve God by serving others but –

* You don’t have a car?

* You think that you would have to become a minister or missionary?

* You believe that you would have to go to another country?

* You think that you would have to have a Ph.D. in Bible theology?

* You don’t have much money?

Serving God doesn’t take a lot of money or require travel. God simply asks you to give your time and love.

Here are some ideas for ways that you can serve others in your family and neighborhood.

* Cook a meal.

* Clean the house.

* Wash the dishes.

* Read to a child or elderly adult.

* Bake cookies to take to a neighbor.

* Offer to cook or clean for a sick friend.

* Stay after church to pick up papers.

* Take a cool drink to a neighbor who is gardening or mowing the lawn.

* Mow a neighbor’s lawn.

* Make hot chocolate or coffee for a neighbor that you see shoveling snow – then offer to help.

If these ideas won’t work for you, use your imagination to find other everyday ways to serve others. Whatever you choose to do, get started and simply serve!

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 ESV

Prayer: Heavenly Father, show me who to serve and how to serve them. Then help me get busy doing it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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