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The True Truth

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Bible Reading: Psalm 26:3

Do you believe that anything that a person believes is true as long as they are sincere in their belief?

What if that person believes it is okay to kill another person?

What if he or she believes that it is okay to beat or imprison another person who has different beliefs?

It is impossible for a world of love, peace, and harmony to exist when every person decides for himself or herself what it right and true. Whenever a person is allowed to set his or her own standard for what is right and true, it will certainly clash with the standard set by another person. A world in which anything goes as long as you believe it to be right and true is a world governed by chaos and evil.

In order to give us a life of love, peace, and harmony God has given us a God-given Truth. Just as the psalmist wrote in today’s Bible reading, “For your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” Yes, God’s truth, His ways, His plans, His perfect way of living are always before us, available to all who seek Him. God has determined what is right and true and put this truth in the Bible so that we could all learn it and live by it. God’s Truth is the only true way to love, peace, and harmony.

Whose “truth” are you living by?

“If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.” 1 John 1:6

Prayer: Heavenly Father, guide me so that I “will walk continually in Your truth.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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