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10 Ways to Help Your Friends Make Wise Decisions


Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Bible Reading: Proverbs 27:9

Today's Bible reading says, "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel." To be a good friend is to be a

wise friend and wise friends help their friends to become wise, too. Here are 10 tips for doing just that:

  1. Pray for them.

  2. Pray with them.

  3. Encourage them to talk to trusted adults, (their minister, teachers, parents, etc.) especially Christian adults.

  4. Encourage them to talk to God about the choices they are considering.

  5. Encourage them to find out what the Bible says about what they are considering doing.

  6. Ask them to decide if what they are thinking about doing could in anyway compromise their relationship with God.

  7. Ask them to decide if what they are thinking about doing could in any way tarnish their testimony for Christ.

  8. Remind them to ask themselves: WWJD?

  9. Take a stand yourself to do what you know is right, wise, and honors God. Don’t budge from that position.

  10. Model wise decision making for them yourself by doing all of the above when you are considering doing something.

Taking the time to help guide a friend around trouble before they become tangled in it is the best way to show them that you really care about them.

"Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning." Proverbs 9:9

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give my friend the courage to make wise choices. Give me the courage to help them by taking a stand. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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