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Wednesday at the Well: Philippians 3:12-16

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

There are at least six areas that present powerful challenges for each of us. As Christians, we need to work on each of these areas so that we will grow to become more

like Christ. What are these challenges?

First, we must learn to trust. We must trust God then we must trust each other. Trust involves taking a risk. When we trust someone to do something for us, take care of us, or keep their promises to us, we take the chance that we might get hurt. We take the chance that they will let us down. Sometimes this does happen when we trust people, but it will never happen when we trust God. God will always do what He promises to do. He will even be with us, comfort us, strengthen and encourage us when a person that we trusted has let us down.

Next, we must learn self-control. We need to be able to keep ourselves from acting on impulse. All of our actions and words should be in line with God’s expectations of us. We should only do or say things that please and honor God. Our actions and words should demonstrate the very character of God so that, through them, the people around us will see God and want to know Him intimately. The only way we can learn to control our actions and the things we say is to first learn to control our thoughts because

everything we think, we do. Our actions are the result of our thoughts.

Third, we must become involved in the lives of others. We must act on godly thoughts and do kind, caring, merciful things for other people. We must help the jobless find jobs, the hungry to be fed, the homeless to find a home, and those who need clothing to be clothed. It isn’t enough to consider their needs. We must reach out and actively help them. We can only do this by becoming intimately involved with them in real, practical ways.

Fourth, we must be a godly example for others. If we hope to sway other people and cause them to be interested in having a personal relationship with Jesus of their own, our lives must be consistent. We can’t simply talk about what the Bible teaches or how God wants us to live. We must live the Bible’s teachings. We must live the way God wants us to live. Our lives must shine with an exquisite example of living that makes clear Who God is and how having God in one’s life changes a person.

Fifth, we must be united in our faith. That doesn’t mean that we all think alike or that we all like exactly the same things. To be united in our faith means that we all agree that Jesus is the Messiah, our Savior. To be united in our faith means that we all agree that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and salvations. It means that we all agree that Jesus is the only way to heaven and without Him we are lost.

Finally, we must love God and love each other. Our first priority is to love God with every fiber in our being. We are to always want everything that we do to give God pleasure, bring Him honor and joy, and demonstrate to those around us just how deeply we care about God.

The primary act of love that we can show God is to love other people. We don’t have to love being with every other person on the globe, but we must treat each and every person as if he or she was the most special person in the world. We should always want the best for other people and we should do everything in our power to see to it that they get what is most important to their happiness and their future security – a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Achieving success in these challenging areas isn’t something that will happen overnight. Our life here on earth is an ongoing process of growing in each of these areas and preparing for the time when, thanks to God’s mercy and grace, we will be perfect when we join Jesus for an eternity of living in heaven.

In the meantime, we must live as the Apostle Paul lived. In Philippians 3:12 Paul said, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” That needs to our goal, as well.

Okay, I’ve talked about what I learned studying Philippians 3:12-16. Now it’s your turn. Let’s pray then you can click on the logo, download the Inductive Bible Study pdf, and get started exploring these verses for yourself.

Heavenly Father, help me to continue pressing on to attain the perfection that You desire of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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