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Digi-Journal: John 20:28 - Change the World

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

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It’s been said, and rightfully so, that there are no secret Christians. It is impossible to be a genuine Christian without allowing your faith to show and without telling other

people about your faith in Jesus Christ and why that faith gives you hope.

In Matthew 10:33 Jesus said, “But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.” Disowning Jesus isn’t limited to overtly saying things like, “Jesus isn’t real,” Jesus isn’t God,” or “I don’t believe in Jesus.” Disowning or denying Jesus also happens when we have the opportunity to ask for God’s forgiveness and claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior but choose to put it off. Disowning or denying Jesus happens when we have the opportunity to tell people about Jesus and choose not to talk to them Disowning or denying Jesus happens anytime or in any situation where we choose to put anything ahead of Jesus as the most important thing in our lives.

Today’s Digi-Journal entry, based on John 20:28, is a quote that echoes the truth of Matthew 10:33 and the statement that there are no secret Christians. In John 20:28, after Thomas got past his doubt, he boldly after Thomas got past his doubt, he boldly declared his faith in Jesus for all to see and hear saying, “My Lord and my God!” Let’s all be so courageous. Let’s determine, now, here, together and individually, to never try to hide our faith in Jesus but to boldly and courageously, for all to see declare, as Thomas declared that Jesus is our Lord and Our God. It is only then that we will be able, with God’s help, to change the world.

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