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God Means What He Says

Gayle. J. Thorn

Bible Reading: Exodus 5:1

Moses went to Pharaoh to deliver God’s message. Moses started his meeting with Pharaoh saying,“This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says…” (Exodus 5:1).

Sadly, Pharaoh didn’t listen to what God said. He didn’t do what God wanted him to do.

Why did it take Pharaoh so long to be willing to let Moses and the Israelites leave Egypt? Why did it take ten horrible plagues and the deaths of thousands before he finally listened to God’s message?

Part of Pharaoh’s problem was that he didn’t believe that God meant what he said. Pharaoh was apparently used to people saying many things but not following through. He probably was unaccustomed to suffering consequences for any of his ill-conceived actions. After all, he was Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Until Moses showed up with God’s message to, “‘let my people go’ or else,” Pharaoh probably had never had anyone give him an ultimatum. He probably had never had anyone refuse to accept his, “No,” as the final word on any subject.

How about you? Do you believe that God means what he says? Do you believe that God means it when he says that you are a sinner? Do you believe that God means it when he says that he loves you anyway? Do you believe that God means it when he says that you’ll be forgiven if you tell him that you’re sorry for your sins and that you believe that Jesus died for you?

Why not take God at his word? After all, God means what he says.

“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,…then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:1, 2, & 5

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I’m ready to take you at your word. Forgive me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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