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  • By Gayle J. Thorn

Digi-Journal: 1 Thessalonians 3:3 -

My word for 2017 is courage. 1 Thessalonians 3:3 is an awesome reminder that I can have strength and courage because God has promised to give me His strength and courage (2

Timothy 1:7) and God is faithful. He is sufficient (my 2016 word) to keep that promise and He will keep that promise. I can be 100% certain of that. There isn’t anything more encouraging or more empowering than knowing that I can be the strong, courageous woman of God that I want to be because God has promised that I can be that, through faith in Jesus Christ. I simply have to cling to that promise and trust God to faithfully, sufficiently fulfill it as I live daily according to His word and His way.

This Digi-Journal entry is a celebration of God’s faith and sufficiency.

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