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Digi-Journal: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 & 18 - Pray without Ceasing

By Gayle J. Thorn

This was an interesting journal entry to do. In many ways, it resembles a scrapbook page without the photo. Unlike the elements in a scrapbook page, which are cut & paste, This

was hand-drawn. Various effects, such as shadowing, were then added.

The point of this Digi-Journal entry isn't the process of making it. It is the emphasis it places on the message of 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks."

Let's pause together and consider that message....

"Pray without ceasing..."Do you pray that continually and that persistently? While I consider myself to be a prayer warrior, I must admit that I could do even more.

"...In everything...give thanks"...Do you show gratitude to God for everything in your life? Good and bad? Joyful and painful? Wanted and unwanted? Loved and hated? Friends and enemies? If you are like me, you could also do better about this matter of being perfectly grateful.

Take a moment and talk to God. Ask Him to help you be totally obedient to these two commands from our Heavenly Commander-in-Chief, God our Heavenly Father. Then sit back and make a step by step plan to implement that obedience on a daily basis.

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