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By Grace Alone

Gayle J. Thorn

Bible Reading: Matthew 19:16-22

In verse 19 of today’s Bible reading a young man asked Jesus this question: “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” This young man thought he needed to

continually do the right things in order to go to heaven. This young man was confused and mistaken.

The Bible says that going to heaven has nothing to do with what we do. Going to heaven has everything to do with what Jesus already did. Jesus died on the cross, came back to life, and went to heaven to make a way for you and for everyone else to be able to go to heaven. You don’t have to do any work or good deeds or anything else to get to go to heaven. All we have to do is:

* Repent. Let God know that you regret the bad things that you’ve done (Matthew 3:2).

* Surrender. Let God take charge of your life and tell you how to live it (Luke 14:33).

* Believe. Tell God that you know that Jesus is his Son and that you know Jesus died for you (John 3:15).

* Trust God. Stop trying to do enough to be good enough and admit that God took care of everything (Matthew 18:3).

If you have been trying to do enough good things to be sure that you have earned your way to heaven, you can stop trying. You will never be able to do enough good things to get into heaven. Instead, accept the forgiveness and salvation by grace that comes through having faith in what Jesus did for you.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8 & 9

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know I can never do enough to be good enough. I know I can only go to heaven by Your grace alone. I accept Jesus’ sacrifice as the payment for my sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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