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Be Beary Brave: 2017 Theme Word Is Courage

Gayle J. Thorn

Meet Tim. Tim was named for my favorite minion, Bob's, bear. Tim's job in this drawing is to remind me that I have Jesus on my side and His Spirit in my heart so I have

nothing to fear. I can “Be Beary Brave!”

Tim first appeared on my blog in my “God Is My Comforter” post, then popped up again when I first drew this “Be Beary Brave!” Digi-Journal image.

Tim and his “Be Beary Brave” message are back again now to introduce my 2017 Theme Word of the Year: Courage.

Last year, my theme was Sufficient. I spent the year focused on how God is sufficient to meet every need and resolve every situation in my life and beyond. One of the key truths that surfaced as I studied and meditated on scripture that dealt with God’s sufficiency is that because God is sufficient, I can courageously forge ahead, obeying God in all areas. Thus, moving from my 2016 theme of Sufficient to my 2017 theme of Courage seemed a natural step.

Therefore, I will be spending much of my personal Bible study time, Bible journal efforts, and memory verse choices exploring and reinforcing Courage, how to have it, how to claim it, how to use it, and so on.

Finally, as you can see by looking at the wall hanging behind Tim, 2 Timothy 1:7 will be my Theme Verse for 2017. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

I hope you have selected a Theme Word and a Theme Verse for 2017. If not, I encourage you to do so. If you aren’t sure what word to choose, you can share the word Courage with me and Tim. We are glad to share!

God bless you in 2017!

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