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Wide, Wide World of God: Mountains & Valleys

Gayle J. Thorn

The Bible is filled with mountains and valleys.

God created them (Genesis 1).

God strengthened Elijah on a mountain (1 Kings 19).

David wrote about the “valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23).

Altars were built on mountains and wars fought in valleys throughout the Bible.

Moses went up on a mountain to receive the 10 Commandments then returned to the valley to deliver them to the Israelite people (Exodus 34).

Jesus preached on a mountain and was arrested in a valley.

One of the best known and most unusual occurrences to take place on a mountain is recorded in Matthew 17:2-9. This passage describes a spiritual retreat of sorts. Jesus and His disciples had gone up onto a mountain. While they were there, Jesus “was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus” (verses 2 & 3).

Peter’s experience on that mountaintop – witnessing Jesus’ transfiguration – had a big impact on him. It touched him so deeply that he didn’t want the experience to end. He wanted to stay on the mountain and feel those feelings forever, but that wasn’t Jesus’ plan.

Jesus knew that He, Peter, and the other disciples had work to do back in the neighboring towns and countryside. Jesus expected Peter and the others to take what they had learned and experienced on the mountaintop and use it to further God’s work.

If the time should come where you have an amazing spiritual “mountaintop experience,” such as while at camp or during a retreat, keep Jesus’ message to Peter in mind and make good use of your awakening:

* Embrace your “mountaintop experience” with God.

* Take it back “down” and put it to use in your day-to-day “valley life.”

* Don’t be afraid of what God may ask you to do with it.

* Don’t be afraid for the time on the mountain to end and life in the valley to begin.

* Share your experience with other people joyfully!

God has a purpose for all of life’s mountains and valleys. He uses those ups and downs in life to make us stronger, to draw us closer to Him, and to provide opportunities for us to share His love and offer of salvation with other people.

I pray that you and I will eagerly and excitedly live for God every day, in the valleys as well as on the mountaintop.

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