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Digi-Journal: God's Sufficiency Seen In Adam & Eve

Gayle J. Thorn

I haven't posted a Digi-Journal entry in a couple weeks. My daughter has been home visiting from college and we've been enjoying some mother-daughter time.

This entry is the first in what I hope to be a series of entries that look at how God displayed His sufficiency in the lives of the people named in the Bible and how that sufficiency is passed from them to us.

While I may not do these entries in any particular order, I did choose to start at the start, so to speak, and do the first entry in this series on how God's sufficiency shines through the lives of Adam and Eve to bless us today. To do this, I read and reread Genesis 2 and 3. I then opted to do a separate entry for each chapter. This entry is the first of this pair and focuses on the three ways that I see God as being sufficient:

* God is sufficient to create life - No one nor nothing else was needed to create everything that exists.

* God is sufficient to sustain life - He provided all that Adam and Eve needed for life and He provides all that we need to sustain our lives.

* God is sufficient to meet all emotional needs - Starting with Adam's need for a mate and progressing through all time, God has been there to provide all each and every one of us needs to live fulfilled, joyful lives.

How amazing is our God! Praise His holy name!

Below is how this entry looks in my print Bible:

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