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Bible Journaling Tools

Gayle J. Thorn

I've noticed that many journalers, especially those just starting out, are unsure as to where or how to begin. I'm big on following God's lead & doing what you are comfortable with. Doing what makes you smile and touches a chord in your heart and soul. Doing what helps you go a step further in your individual walk and relationship with God.

I was thinking about all of this while I was updating a couple of "tools" that I use. One is a "Bible Journaling Ideas" cheat sheet that I made & refer to when I have a creative block. The other is a "Poetry Basics" page that gives a very simple breakdown of the basics of how to write a variety of different kinds of poems. I don't know if anyone of you would find either of these pdf files useful, but here they are, just in case. Feel free to print them or share them around.

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