Bible Reading: Psalm 35:1
Are you strong enough to take on an army? What about the class bully? What about that person that keeps giving you a hard time because you are a Christian? Even if you are strong enough to take
them on, do you really want to take them on? What good will it really do for you or for the other person if you try to get even with him or her?
Remember, God wants us to do only good to everyone – even that person who gives us a hard time about our faith.
Psalm 35 is a great psalm to read when you are contemplating getting even with that irritating person. In verse 1 David wrote, “Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.” in this verse, David was asking God to fight his battles with those people who were giving David a hard time. That’s what it means to “contend.”
Psalm 35 gives us four weapons to help us contend for your faith. They are:
1. (Verse 2) “Take up your shield.” In other words, have faith in God to be with you.
2. (Verse 3) “Brandish spear and javelin.” That means know and use the word of God.
3. (Verse 4-8) “May those who seek my life…” Turn everyone and everything that comes against you over to God. Let Him contend for you.
4. (Verse 9-10) “…rejoice in the Lord…” Focus on God. Let Him give you strength, peace, and hope for an outcome that pleases Him and is in your best interest.
I encourage you to read Psalm chapter 35. David’s message in the psalm will give you strength and it will help you to wait on God to fight your battles for you.
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31
Prayer: God, help me to do good to everyone, even my enemies and to depend on You to defend me from those who would harm me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31
How are you going to put Psalm 35’s “How to Contend” method into practice in your life today?