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Loved Links: Samaritan's Purse

Gayle J. Thorn

Christmas is only 23 days away!

For many of us who have been blessed with everything we need and more, Christmas is filled

with gifts and festivity.

Not so for millions of children around the world who live in poverty. These children don’t receive what they need for their daily living, much less gifts at Christmas.

Thank God for Samaritan’s Purse!

Samaritan’s Purse, with the participation of churches and individuals, collects and distributes shoeboxes filled with toys, toiletries, and other gifts for poverty-stricken children. This ministry is called Operation Christmas Child. What a wonderful ministry!

Operation Christmas Child isn’t all that Samaritan’s Purse does, not by a long shot! Samaritan’s Purse, serving God and a hurting world for over 40 years, has a wide range of ministries and programs including crisis response, disaster relief, medical missions, construction programs, agriculture and other job training programs, feeding programs, and water and sanitation programs. These ministries and all of the other ministries and programs of Samaritan’s Purse provide for the basic necessities of people in great need while helping these people to learn how to provide for themselves. Most importantly, all of Samaritan’s Purse’s ministries and programs have the primary purpose of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person.

Awesome! Praise God for Samaritan’s Purse! Pray for their paid staff and all the volunteers as they work diligently to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of hurting and needy people around the world.

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