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Digi-Journal: Creation Day 7

Gayle J. Thorn

God created the world in six days. On the seventh day, God rested. Why?

There are at least two reasons why God, who never got tired, chose to rest on the day following

His six days of creativity.

1. God’s work was done. The Hebrew word that is translated in English as “rest” more accurately means “cease” or “stop”. Quite simply, on Day 7, God stopped working because His work was done.

2. God was setting an example for us. While God is all-powerful and never needs rest, never needs sleep and never needs to stop working, He knew that we, His finite, frail human creations do need to stop working and rest. Therefore, He gave us a pattern to follow that would allow our minds and body the break that they need.

Today’s doodle is a reminder of our Almighty God, His complete and perfect creation, and His desire that we have everything we need – including rest.

What is your favorite part of the Creation narrative? Why? Leave your comments below.

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