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Widows, Orphans, & Personal Purity

Gayle J. Thorn

The image in this post was provided by Bible Screen Verse of the Day. (in case you have difficulty reading the text on the image, the verse is James 1:27 which says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure

and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." The verse in this image is often quoted. Much attention is given to the first half of the verse and the necessity to visit and care for widows and orphans - for good reason. Caring for those who are unable to provide for themselves is the best way to show genuine love for others. It is the perfect way to let God's love shine through us for other people to see.

However, It seems that the second half of the verse is often overlooked. Perhaps that is because we don't want to think about or deal with the hard job of keeping ourselves pure. We want to do what we want. Often, we don't take time to consider if the things that the world wants us to do are in line with the way God wants us to live.

I hope that this image and the verse in it will encourage you to live in total obedience to God by loving others unconditionally and by obeying God by keeping yourself pure and holy as God is pure and holy.

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