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Wide, Wide World of God: Ladybugs

Gayle J. Thorn

I like ladybugs.

Did you know that there are more than 5,000 different types of ladybugs in the world and they

are still finding new kinds?

In much of the United Kingdom ladybugs are called “ladybirds.” In some parts of the world they are known as “lady beetles.”

Ladybugs come in at least three colors – red, yellow, and orange. Their bodies and wings are covered with a hard shell or exoskeleton that protects them. Their various spotty patterns also serve as protection, sometimes resembling eyes.

God made ladybugs. He gave them their hard exoskeleton and spots to protect them from dangerous predators.

God also made us and has given us ways to be protected from the most dangerous predator of all – Satan.

How can we be protected from Satan’s attacks?

1. Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, Protector and Refuge.

2. Be fully informed in the ways of God via daily Bible reading.

3. Stay close to our Heavenly Father through continual prayer.

Thank God for ladybugs and the reminder they give us of God’s and protection!

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