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The Patient Gardener

Gayle J. Thorn

Bible Reading: Mark 13:6-9

The parable Jesus told in today's Bible reading has always made me curious. I wondered, "What is Jesus trying to say? What is the point or the lesson he wants me to learn from these verses?"

Then, as I reread these verses this morning, I understood.

In this parable, Jesus spoke about a gardener trying to raise a troublesome fig tree. This tree was not growing well. It wasn't producing figs as it should. The owner of the farm wanted to get rid of the tree. He wanted only productive trees in his grove.

The gardener understood that it takes time and patient care to being a tree to the point where it was capable of producing fruit.

The garden said the farm owner, “‘Sir, leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’” (verses 8 & 9) The gardener wanted the owner to understand the time, patience, and proper care the fig tree needed to successfully produce figs.

The gardener in Jesus' story is a picture of God. Just as the gardener wanted the fig tree to be successful at producing figs, God wants us to be successful in our Christian lives. He wants us to be healthy enough to produce figs (people) to fill His kingdom.

Like the gardener, God knows that it takes time and nurturing to bring us to the point where we can successfully and effectively produce fruit for His kingdom. Therefore, just as the gardener nurtured the fig tree, God is continually working in our lives, nurturing us. Feeding us through His word and the teaching of more mature Christians. Pruning away bad habits, distractions, and other things that hinder our growth and spiritual productivity. Strengthening our faith and deepening our spiritual roots by bringing irritations, frustrations, and hardships into our lives.

Like the gardener, God is patient. He is willing to give us far more time than seems proper to recognize our need for Him & His salvation, to accept Jesus, His salvation & forgiveness, to grow in our faith, and to produce fruit for His kingdom.

Like that fig tree, we need to take in the nourishment offered to us by our Gardener. We need learn to let go of things that hinder our growth and spiritual productivity. We need to allow our spiritual roots to sink deeper and deeper into Jesus Christ, the solid foundation of our faith. When we do, our faith will grow stronger and we will have a greater our impact on the people around us, and God's kingdom will filled with people to honor and worship Him.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9 (Emphasis added.)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for being patient with me. Help me to produce plentiful fruit for Your kingdom. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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