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Gayle J. Thorn

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 3:14-25

Fields are vital to human survival. Food of all kinds are grown in fields. This food feeds many people and the income from the sale of this food supports the farmers who grow the crops.

Fields were just as important in Old Testament days. Unlike today where farmers have equipment and machines to help them clear and work their fields, farmers of old had to do all the work by hand. Obstacles such a rocks and stones that could impede crop growth were difficult to remove.

Enemy soldiers took advantage of this fact. They would often send slingers into enemy territory. Slingers were soldiers who threw rocks and stones onto the enemy’s fields. By littering their enemy’s fields with rocks and stones, they disrupt they enemy’s food supply and drain the energy of the enemy who must use time and energy to remove the rocks and stones from the fields. All this was done to drive their enemies to despair and cause them to give up.

This kind of battle was described in verse 25 of today’s Bible reading. This verse says, “They destroyed the towns, and each man threw a stone on every good field until it was covered. They stopped up all the springs and cut down every good tree. Only Kir Hareseth was left with its stones in place, but men armed with slings surrounded it and attacked it as well.”

Satan is a slinger. He does things to distract us. He wants to cause us to despair, give up hope, and quit serving God.

Satan also “hires” people and demons to throw stones at us in an attempt to get us to quit obeying God and doing the things we know to be right.

When Satan throws stones, we should throw the “Rock” – God’s word – back at him. God’s word in the Bible is the only way to clear Satan’s “rocks and stones” from our lives and send him running from cover. A solid understanding of the Bible and a good supply of memorized Bible verses is the only way to fight against Satan’s slinging.

I encourage you to get into the Bible and prepare to defend against Satan and his slinging. He could attack at any moment.

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:3 & 4

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be prepared to stand against Satan and his attacks by learning well the truths of Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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