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Doing Your Part

Gayle J. Thorn

Bible Reading: Mark 1:4-11

In a play or TV program, each actor has a unique role to play. The program's script won't work if every actor decides to play the leading role. For the script's story to work there must be supporting actors and actresses each playing a different part.

Similarly, God has given each of us a unique role to play in building His kingdom. We are all to be actively involved in bringing people into God's kingdom, but we are not all to accomplish that task in the same way. Take, for example, John the Baptist.

Mark 1:4 says, "John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins."

Like all other believers in Jesus Christ, John was charged with sharing God's plan with the people around him. He was responsible for telling people to stop sinning and clean up their hearts and lives. He to help people get ready to face Jesus by encouraging them to change the direction that their lives are going.

John did this job by wandering around in the wilderness, preaching as he went. He wore coarse clothing made from the hair of camels and ate locusts and wild honey.

John furthered the mission of The King. He was a disciple of the King and made disciples for The King.

Like John, we are to be disciples of The King and we are to make more disciples for The King. Does God expect us to wear camel's hair and eat locusts and wild honey? Does God expect us to wander in the wilderness and preach?


God expects each of us to do our part in our own unique way.

Some people travel to other countries to teach and witness.

Some people write music and sing songs.

Other people serve in soup kitchens, food pantries, clothing ministries, oil change ministries, or tutoring ministries.

Still others write devotional article, books, bible studies, teaching materials, and even poetry.

There are as many ways to share the love and salvation that Jesus offers as there are Christians to make the offer.

You can know the role that God wants you to play by asking Him. Evaluate the things you enjoy doing and are good at. Ask God how you can use your skills and interests to fulfill your role in His "play."

If each of us does our part, God's kingdom will grow and God will be glorified.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in* the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19 & 20

Prayer: Heavenly Father, show me how to use the things I'm good at to help Your kingdom grow. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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