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Hope & Peace

By Gayle J. Thorn

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:7

Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” That means that, as Christians, we shouldn’t

feel hopeless when we’re surrounded by difficult circumstances. Things like cars breaking down, friendships ending, sickness, death, fire, robbery, or any other stressful experience shouldn’t make us feel as if our world were ending. If they do, we are no different than those who don’t have God to lean on. God wants us to be different, to react differently to trying circumstances than those who don’t have a personal relationship with Him. With Christ in our lives, we have a hope that other people don’t have. We can use the memories of the things that God has done for us in the past to reassure ourselves that God is in control and will work things out for the best in our lives. We can read the Bible and feel delight as we pour over God’s written promises to always be with us and always answer our prayers. While clinging to our memories of God’s past care and His promises of His future care, we can give God complete control of our lives, relax, and trust Him. When we do that, God promises to gives us a peace “which transcends all [human] understanding” (Philippians 4:7). God's peace give us the ability to remain calm when the world around us seems to be crumbling. It allows us to be content whatever our circumstances. It fills us with joy, satisfied in the knowledge that God is Sovereign.

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11b

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you h

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for calming my troubled heart. Help me to always trust You to take care of me. Help me to always be confident and content, knowing You are in control of every detail of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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